Swift examples

Follow these examples if you're using the SwiftOpenAI package.


When using the SwiftOpenAI package first make sure you initialize service with:

#if DEBUG && targetEnvironment(simulator)
let service = OpenAIServiceFactory.service(
    aiproxyPartialKey: "hardcode_partial_key_here",
    aiproxyDeviceCheckBypass: "hardcode_device_check_bypass_here"
let service = OpenAIServiceFactory.service(
    aiproxyPartialKey: "hardcode_partial_key_here"

The aiproxyPartialKey and aiproxyDeviceCheckBypass values are provided to you on the AIProxy dashboard.

It's important that you do not let the aiproxyDeviceCheckBypass token leak into a distribution build of your app (including TestFlight distributions). Please retain the conditional compilation checks that are present in the sample code above.

Chat Completion Example

import SwiftUI
import SwiftOpenAI

#if DEBUG && targetEnvironment(simulator)
private let service: OpenAIService = OpenAIServiceFactory.service(
        aiproxyPartialKey: "hardcode_partial_key_here",
        aiproxyDeviceCheckBypass: "hardcode_device_check_bypass_here")
private let service: OpenAIService = OpenAIServiceFactory.service(
        aiproxyPartialKey: "hardcode_partial_key_here")

struct ChatCompletionView: View {
    @State var jokeText:String = ""
    var body: some View {
            Button("Tell a joke"){ tellJoke() }
    func tellJoke() {
        Task {
            jokeText = ""
            let prompt = "Tell me a joke"
            let parameters = ChatCompletionParameters(messages: [.init(role: .user, content: .text(prompt))], model: .gpt4o)
            let stream = try await service.startStreamedChat(parameters: parameters)
            for try await result in stream {
                guard let choice = result.choices.first,
                        let content = choice.delta.content else
                jokeText += content

#Preview {

Translation Example

import SwiftUI
import SwiftOpenAI

#if DEBUG && targetEnvironment(simulator)
private let service: OpenAIService = OpenAIServiceFactory.service(
        aiproxyPartialKey: "hardcode_partial_key_here",
        aiproxyDeviceCheckBypass: "hardcode_device_check_bypass_here")
private let service: OpenAIService = OpenAIServiceFactory.service(
        aiproxyPartialKey: "hardcode_partial_key_here")

struct TranslationView: View {
    private let prompt = "The response is an exact translation from english to spanish. You don't respond with any english."
    @State var translatedText = ""
    var body: some View {
                Task {
                    await translate()
    func translate() async {
        let parameters = ChatCompletionParameters(
            messages: [
            .init(role: .system, content: .text(prompt)),
            .init(role: .user, content: .text("what time is dinner?")),
            model: .gpt4o
        do {
            let choices = try await service.startChat(parameters: parameters).choices
            let message = choices.compactMap(\.message.content)
            translatedText = message.first ?? ""
        } catch {
            print("Could not translate")

#Preview {

For more information about the SwiftOpenAI package visit the GitHub documentation.

Follow these examples if you're using the AIProxy.swift file to integrate instead of SwiftOpenAI.

Add AIProxy to your project:

  1. Drop the AIProxy.swift file into your Xcode project
  2. Replace the constants below that you received at dashboard.aiproxy.pro
  3. Read the integration examples below:

private let aiproxyPartialKey = "partial-key-goes-here"
#if DEBUG && targetEnvironment(simulator)
private let aiproxyDeviceCheckBypass = "device-check-bypass-goes-here"

There are four different options to integrate when using the AIProxy.swift file:

  1. Non-streaming chat using async/await
  2. Non-streaming chat using callbacks
  3. Streaming chat using async/await
  4. Streaming chat using callbacks

If you choose to use the callback-based interface, callbacks are guaranteed to be invoked on the main thread. All internal work is done using the modern async/await APIs for URLSession.

Example integration of non-streaming chat using async/await

let requestBody = AIProxy.ChatRequestBody(
    model: "gpt-4-0125-preview",
    messages: [
        AIProxy.Message(role: "user", content: "hello world")

let task = Task {
    do {
        let response = try await AIProxy.chatCompletionRequest(
            chatRequestBody: requestBody
        // Do something with `response`. For example:
        print(response.choices.first?.message.content ?? "")
    } catch {
        // Handle error. For example:

// Uncomment this to cancel the request:
// task.cancel()

Example integration of non-streaming chat using callbacks

let requestBody = AIProxy.ChatRequestBody(
    model: "gpt-4-0125-preview",
    messages: [
        AIProxy.Message(role: "user", content: "hello world")

let task = AIProxy.chatCompletionRequest(chatRequestBody: requestBody) { result in
    switch result {
        case .success(let response):
            // Do something with `response`. For example:
            print(response.choices.first?.message.content ?? "")
        case .failure(let error):
            // Handle error. For example:

// Uncomment this to cancel the request:
// task.cancel()

Streaming chat using async/await

let requestBody = AIProxy.ChatRequestBody(
    model: "gpt-4-0125-preview",
    messages: [
        AIProxy.Message(role: "user", content: "hello world")
    stream: true

let task = Task {
    do {
        let stream = try await AIProxy.streamingChatCompletionRequest(chatRequestBody: requestBody)
        for try await chunk in stream {
            // Do something with `chunk`. For example:
            print(chunk.choices.first?.delta.content ?? "")
    } catch {
        // Handle error. For example:

// Uncomment this to cancel the request or stop the streaming response:
// task.cancel()

Streaming chat using callbacks

// Craft your request body per the 'Request body' documentation here:
// https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create

let requestBody = AIProxy.ChatRequestBody(
    model: "gpt-4-0125-preview",
    messages: [
        AIProxy.Message(role: "user", content: "hello world")
    stream: true

let task = AIProxy.streamingChatCompletionRequest(chatRequestBody: requestBody) { chunk in
    // Do something with `chunk`. For example:
    print(chunk.choices.first?.delta.content ?? "")
} completion: { error in
    if let error = error {
        // Handle error. For example:

// Uncomment this to cancel the request or stop the streaming response:
// task.cancel()